Livestock & Animal

BCCA Livestock

Livestock & Animal

Agriculture in the Inland Burnett region is both abundant and diverse.  Livestock slaughtering is the regions largest agricultural output commodity, followed by cereal crops for the South Burnett Region and Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire, whereas citrus production is the second highest commodity in the North Burnett region. (Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – Value of Agricultural Commodities Produce 2015-16)

Primary industries account for the major income and include beef (both grazing and feed-lotting), dairy, pork, poultry, peanuts, macadamia nuts, soy beans, sugarcane, timber, fodder crops, cereals and pulses, broad acre cropping along with many different types of fruit (citrus particularly and some of the largest vineyards in Queensland) and vegetables.  It also boasts a “State of the Art” pig processing facility and is home to a significant wine manufacturing region producing premium estate-grown and alternate varieties of table wines.


Livestock & Animal