Foot and Mouth Disease - Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has the up to date on current biosecurity issues including foot-and-mouth disease.
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment - Biosecurity - Biosecurity is a critical part of the government's efforts to prevent, respond to and recover from pests and diseases that threaten the economy and environment. The department works to ensure continued market access for our products and to maintain our high standards for emergency response.
Property Identification Codes (PICs) - When you register as a biosecurity entity you will be allocated the PIC that is associated with the land where you keep your animal(s). The PIC system operates nationally to allow animals to be traced throughout Australia if an animal disease outbreak or contamination incident occurs. PICs are a critical part of Australia's animal biosecurity.
Aust Gov. Department of Agriculture Biosecurity - Biosecurity is a critical part of the government's efforts to prevent, respond to and recover from pests and diseases that threaten the economy and environment.
Biosecurity Entity Registration - Check if you are registered as a biosecurity entity. Registration allows us to better prepare for and respond to biosecurity emergencies.
Branding and earmarking - Brands and earmarks are used to prove ownership of livestock. They are only compulsory for cattle and pigs when they are being sold. However they are recommended to avoid ownership disputes over stray animals. Access to brands data base.