Bore reports - Reports are available for private registered bores and Queensland Government groundwater investigation and monitoring bores. They show location, water levels, construction details, strata log and water quality information.
Wide Bay Burnett Regional Water Supply Strategy Rural Demand Study - The strategy aims to outline how future urban, industrial, mining and agricultural water demand will be met. This study examines the demand for water from agriculture, and mining and power generation in the Upper and Lower Burnett, Upper and Lower Mary, South Burnett, Monto and Baffle sub-regions.
Water Supply Requirements in the North and South Burnett - This strategic business case forms part of an Australian Government-funded feasibility study to examine a range of options that increase water supply and security and deliver new jobs and economic growth in the North and South Burnett region of Queensland – collectively the Burnett Region.
Upper Burnett Scheme - The Upper Burnett Scheme consists of four storages which provides irrigation and urban water supply to the Upper Burnett region.
Boyne River and Tarong Scheme - The Boyne River and Tarong Scheme draws water from Boondooma Dam and supports Tarong Power Station and irrigators along the Boyne River.
Three Moon Creek Scheme - The Three Moon Creek Scheme draws its water from Cania Dam and provides irrigation and urban water supply to users in Monto and Mulgildie.
Water Supply Scheme - Sunwater - Water Supply Scheme (WSS) to access the available storage level reports. Click on the dam links to view the storage level information for that particular dam.
Watercourse Identification Map - The watercourse identification map will help you determine what authorisations you’ll need to take water or undertake other activities covered by the Water Act 2000.